
implantologist dubai


Over the years our teeth wear down. Dental decay is considered as major cause of tooth loss. However, there are other factors that contribute in wearing down our teeth.

Abfraction is a mechanical loss of tooth structure which is located along the gum line. It is triggered by occlusal forces on the tooth from the teeth touching together, when chewing, grinding and swallowing.

If left untreated, abfractions can cause pain, sensitivity, loss of teeth structure, discoloration on the neck of the tooth and possible tooth loss.

Bruxism is most common cause of abfraction, grinding the teeth place an extreme amount of pressure in the gum line causing the teeth to flex and the outer layer of enamel is chipped off.
Early diagnosis of abfraction through a careful oral evaluation and proper assessment of the patient’s bite is significant in management and prevention of further development of lesions.

Treatment of abfraction lesions can be difficult due to the many possible causes and difficulty in contributing factors.

Unfortunately, abfraction damage cannot be reversed but it could be repaired. Lesions in the gum line can be filled by composite, the material blends with the tooth color leaving it unnoticeable. However, if the occlusion is not protected the filling will come off again.

Abfraction caused by bruxism can be avoided by protective night guard and misaligned bite can be fixed by orthodontic treatment.

In conclusion, there are multifactorial causes that contribute in developing abfraction. Identifying the etiology is vital in management and treating abfraction.

Prevention is always better than cure, early diagnosis might be the key solution rather than the treatment itself. If you experience these signs and symptoms of abfraction, schedule an appointment with Dr. Rabih Abi Nader for professional advice.

Discover your perfect smile with veneers

Discover your perfect smile with veneers

Are your missing, irregularly-shaped, or broken teeth holding you back from living a fulfilled lifestyle?

Having veneers fitted by a dental specialist such as Dubai-based Dr Rabih Abi Nader can have positive benefits on both the patient’s appearance and lifestyle, resulting in their full holistic wellbeing.

What are veneers?
Placed over the damaged tooth or teeth, veneers replicate the very best version of your original tooth – just whiter, brighter and smoother. Made of porcelain, each veneer is moulded to the exact fit of your jaw and bonded to your teeth for a life-like finish.

What benefits can I expect from veneers?
A perfect smile is the most desired result from veneers patients. Broken teeth appear as new, discolouration disappears, and a Hollywood-style smile emerges.
Sensitivity from eating hot and cold food and drinks can be greatly reduced, with the new porcelain veneer protecting the tooth’s delicate root from infection and disease.
Finally, a tailor-made set of veneers can affect the patient’s mental health positively. With a new smile that they are now happy to show off, veneer clients have reported feeling an emboldened sense of confidence which is reflected in better relations in both their professional and private lives.

Am I eligible for veneers in Dubai?
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and are ready for a fresh start, then yes! – veneers could be right for you. Your trusted dentist will be able to confirm during your consultation that veneers are a solution, and check for any dental issues such as grinding and bite alignment, that may need extra care.

Where can I make my appointment?
Book in for your appointment with Dubai’s Dr Rabih Abi Nader for a full consultation and to see exactly how your new veneers could suit your lifestyle. Equipped with cutting edge dental technology and renowned for his included before-and-after photography simulations, Dr Rabih Abi Nader is Dubai’s veneers expert.